Finnlines överklagar trafikupphandling – Ålands Sjöfart
At info 01 - Ahola Transport
The Finnlines Group’s revenue for January–March 2019 was EUR 137.6 million, which was an increase of 2.0 per cent compared to the same period last year. The result for the reporting period was EUR 16.2 million compared to EUR 16.5 million in January–March 2018. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation, EBITDA, was EUR 34.2 million compared to EUR 34.3 million in - The Finnlines Group’s January–December 2018 result increased by EUR 12.5 million to EUR 95.1 million. Revenue also increased by 9.9 per cent to EUR 589.4 million during January–December 2018.
Finnlines is a leading shipping operator of ro-ro and passenger services in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the Bay of Biscay. The Company’s passenger-freight vessels offer services from Changes in Finnlines’ Management. Finnlines announced that as from 1 January 2020, Mr Thomas Doepel has been appointed COO of Finnlines Group and Mr Mikael Lindholm has been appointed Head of Newbuilding Department. Both Mr Doepel and Mr Lindholm are members of the Executive Committee and report to the President and CEO Emanuele Grimaldi. Finnlines names Antson as president, CEO Helsinki-based roll-on/roll-off operator Finnlines has named Christer Antson as its permanent president and chief Grimaldi Group provides Finnlines with essential expertise and support. As a result of this strong affiliation, Finnlines is able to offer liner services to and from any destination in the Mediterranean and West Africa, as well as the Atlantic coast of North and South America.
In my role as the CEO, I have always sought to be as transparent as possible.
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Viking Line, Grimaldi och Finnlines som kunder Stora Ensos CEO Jouko Karvinen och CFO Markus Rauramo diskuterar resultatet för 2008, är UPM-Kymmene, Finnlines, Ahlström och Myllykoski Paper. Finnlines ingår i Grimaldi-koncernen, en av världens största operatörer av Finnlines har mer än 2000 anställda; uppdelade i fyra Associat e Analyst Senior Analyst Partner Senior Partner CEO 1 Year 3 years 4-5 years 4-5 Finnline startar en ny direkt färjeförbindelse mellan Helsingfors och Rostock, via Gdynia. Samtidigt startar av TNT Express. Scott Davis, CEO och styrelseordf. Finnline startar en ny direkt färjeförbindelse mellan Helsingfors och Rostock, via Gdynia. Samtidigt startar av TNT Express.
The result for the reporting period was EUR 16.2 million compared to EUR 16.5 million in January–March 2018. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation, EBITDA, was EUR 34.2 million compared to EUR 34.3 million in
- The Finnlines Group’s January–December 2018 result increased by EUR 12.5 million to EUR 95.1 million. Revenue also increased by 9.9 per cent to EUR 589.4 million during January–December 2018. During the fourth quarter, the cargo volumes remained strong, increasing the revenue compared to last year from EUR 131.8 million to EUR 141.5 million. The result for October–December was EUR 19
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Grimaldi-ägda Finnlines redovisar sitt bästa resultat någonsin för tredje kvartalet. Under perioden juli till september 2018 omsatte Finnlines 158,8 miljoner euro, en ökning med 9,4 procent jämfört med motsvarande period 2017.
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Craig Jasienski | Styrelsen i Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA har i dialog med President and CEO Craig Jasienski kommit överens om att avsluta hans anställning i företaget … EMANUELE GRIMALDI, PRESIDENT AND CEO, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE REVIEW: “The Finnlines Group’s revenue for January–March 2020 was almost on previous year’s level and was EUR 130.5 million compared to EUR 137.6 million in the corresponding period 2019. The result for the reporting period was EUR 20.7 million compared to E Finnlines har under hösten tagit leverans av de två sista nybyggena i en serie på sex roro-fartyg från varvet Jinling 16 november 2012 Upp och ned hos Finlandstrafiken Götz Becker, born 1967, is CEO of the FRS group of companies (Förde Reederei Seetouristik GmbH & Co. KG). FRS looks back on a shipping history of more than 150 years.
In addition to shipping services, through its subsidiary Finnsteve, Finnlines runs terminals and supplies handling services in the Finnish ports of Helsinki and Turku. Finnlines has subsidiaries or sales offices in Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Russia and Poland. The President and CEO of the Company is Emanuele Grimaldi.
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2020 — till våra kunder", säger Emanuele Grimaldi, CEO Finnlines. FÖR YTTERLIGARE INFORMATION, VÄNLIGEN KONTAKTA.