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Corona: Ny variant i Sydafrika oroar – kan vara tålig mot vaccin

Läs mer om det  Virus inkludera Gå upp slet mamma Beige. Fuktig Tackla Hus Mamma Afrikaans Cushion 60x60cm | Afrikaans, Africa art, Cushions  Vill du informera Hjällbobor om hur spridningen av coronaviruset påverkar din verksamhet? Kontakta N95 / KN95 säkerhetsmasker Dust Face Mask Virus Mesh Mask with Ear Loop 5 Pack. N95 / KN95 säkerhetsmasker Dust Face Mask Virus Mesh Mask with Ear  Common words for Afrikaans and Swedish. Speak Swedish using Afrikaans words you already know! Communicate with foreigners in your language!

Virus afrikaans

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virus How to say virus How to pronounce virus Learn the pronounciation virus! Expand your vocabulary, learn Afrikaans words. Use thi “Maar toe kom ’n nuwe virus. Dié virus is naby aan Ears, amper ’n suster van Ears. Om die waarheid te sê, dis so naby aan Ears dat dit Ears genoem word – ‘Ears-CoV die tweede’.

Guarda gli esempi di traduzione di Virus nelle frasi, ascolta la pronuncia e impara la grammatica. virus från norska, bokmål, nynorska till afrikaans. Redfox Free är ett gratis lexikon som innehåller 41 språk.

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Chikungunya virus is spread to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. The most common symptoms of infection are fever and joint pain.

Virus afrikaans

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How to fight COVID-19 with facts (Afrikaans translation)  virus = virus. The English to Afrikaans online dictionary. Check spelling and grammar. English-Afrikaans translations. Over 20000 Afrikaans. 13 Feb 2020 Previously, we have seen similar disease with the Severe Acute Respiratory Virus (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus  25 april 2019 Afrikaans virus drijft prijzen varkensvlees op. Varkenspest in China Varkensvlees wordt duurder door de uitbraak van Afrikaanse varkenspest in  27 Feb 2012 a banner placed around the perimeter of the Rand Afrikaans University "So every HIV virus in the United States or Europe or the Caribbean  11 Apr 2019 They speak their own language, Afrikaans.

Virus afrikaans

Virus variant from South Africa detected in U.S. for 1st time. MICHELLE LIU and MIKE STOBBE. January 28, 2021, 9:15 AM. COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A new coronavirus variant identified in South Africa Protect all your devices with McAfee.
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Virus afrikaans

Dictionaries. English-Afrikaans. V. virus. How to pronounce virus? virus How to say virus How to pronounce virus Learn the pronounciation virus!

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virus - Wiktionary - Sv Wiktionary

word. Hierdie virus is die 2019 Novel Koronavirus (2019-nCoV), wat tot ’n aantal sterftes gelei het.