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Journal of Medical Internet Research - Mobile Health and Ubiquitous Health, 60, 89. 5. Journal of BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 41, 61. 8.
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Impact of medical students' descriptive evaluations on long-term
2021 — Applying representational state transfer (REST) architecture to archetype-based electronic health record systems. BMC Medical Informatics Bmc Geriatrics (3) · Bmc Health Services Research (7) · Bmc Medical Research Methodology (3) · Bmc Medicine (4) · Bmc Palliative Care (2) · Bmc Public 2017 (Engelska)Ingår i: BMC Medical Education, ISSN 1472-6920, E-ISSN (SETQ) instrument in the clinical years of undergraduate medical education. lecturer at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Caring Sciences 6645; Mobile phone: +46 70 9532446; Visiting address: BMC, Husargatan 3 B M C Medical & Dental Clinic Dagupan-Bonuan Dagupan City - Sjukhus eller hälsovård. Kör, cykla, promenera, få vägledning i kollektivtrafiken på kartan över Journal, BMC Medical Education. Volume, 6. Issue number, 24.
BMC Medical Co., Ltd. was founded in 2001, and now is the leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of products for the diagnosis and therapy of sleep-disordered breathing in China. Boston Medical Center (BMC) is a 514-bed academic medical center located in Boston's historic South End, providing medical care for infants, children, teens and adults. One Boston Medical Center Place
BMC Medical Education welcomes work focused on the training of healthcare professionals across all levels of education – from undergraduate to postgraduate
BMC Medical Co., Ltd. fue fundada en 2001, y ahora es el principal desarrollador, fabricante y proveedor de productos para el diagnóstico y la terapia de Trastorno del sueño en China.
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A qualitative study of a medical humanities curriculum in a medical school program. C Wachtler, S Lundin, M Troein. BMC Medical Education 6 (1), 1-10, 2006.
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