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No abusive ads Free chords, lyrics, videos and other song resources for "Come As You Are - Crowder" by Crowder. Guitar tabs for beginners – ‘Come As You Are’ by Nirvana. Guitar tabs for beginners don’t get much moodier than this. The main riff in this song is so cool.

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Come as you are tab


Hey Guys checkout my"Come As You Are"Guitar Lesson and Cover Guitar Tuning: 1 Whole Step Down | Standard D (D, G, C, F, A, D) My Guitar Chords and Tab?? Just Become a Patron - https://www.patreon.com/MartyMusicFollow Marty On Social Media!Instagram - www.instagram.com/martyschwartzTwitter - www.twitter.com/martysc Come as you are Chords by Nirvana.

Come as you are tab

Come as you are, as you were / As I want you to be, as a friend / As a friend, as an old  Nov 24, 2010 Visit GuitarInternational.com to download the tab for Come As You Are by Nirvana.
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Come as you are tab

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COME AS YOU ARE (Live) As recorded by Kurt Cobain (From the 1994 Album NIRVANA UNPLUGGED) "Come as You Are" is a song by American rock band Nirvana, written by frontman Kurt Cobain and released as the second single from the band's second studio al Nirvana - Come As You Are(Acoustic) Tab. Learn "Come As You Are(Acoustic)" faster with Songsterr Plus plan! - Acoustic Guitar (nylon) Track difficulty Difficulté 4/10. Bossez bien !
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