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[5] Begreppet ’‘hållbar utveckling’’ introducerades internationellt av Lester Brown 1981, men fick internationell spridning i samband med FN-rapporten ’‘Vår gemensamma framtid’’ (1987), kallad Brundtlandrapporten. [6] Sustainable development Resolution 42/187 of the United Nations General Assembly, published in 1987, defines sustainable development as, 'meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs'. Se hela listan på en.m.wikipedia.org sustainable development (countable and uncountable, plural sustainable developments) (agriculture, ecology) Development which seeks to produce sustainable economic growth while ensuring future generations' ability to do the same by not exceeding the regenerative capacity of nature. Translations The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are created by the [United Nations] and promoted as the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. They replaced the [Millennium Development Goals] that expired at the end of 2015. The SDGs run from 2015 to 2030. There are 17 goals and 169 specific targets for those goals.
For sustainable development to be achieved, it is crucial to harmonise three core elements: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. Nachhaltigkeit ist ein Handlungsprinzip zur Ressourcen-Nutzung, bei dem eine dauerhafte Bedürfnisbefriedigung durch die Bewahrung der natürlichen Regenerationsfähigkeit der beteiligten Systeme (vor allem von Lebewesen und Ökosystemen) gewährleistet werden soll. 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』. ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動. 持続可能な開発 (じぞくかのうなかいはつ、 英: sustainable development, SD )とは、「将来の世代の 欲求 を満たしつつ、現在の世代の欲求も満足させるような 開発 」のこと 。. 「 持続可能な発展 」と訳されることもある。.
In the name of economic development, the price of environmental damage is paid in the form of land degradation, soil erosion, air and water pollution, deforestation, etc. 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』. ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動.
He created a forum called "Business Council for Sustainable Development", which went on to become Changing Course, a book that coined the concept of eco-efficiency. [6] The WBCSD was created in 1995 as a merger of the Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Industry Council for the Environment [7] and is based at the Maison de la paix in Geneva , Switzerland , [8] with A simple introduction to sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The film is produced by Animaskin on behalf of UN Association UNITED NATIONS TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD: THE 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT sustainabledevelopment.un.org A/RES/70/1 2021-02-12 · International development can be boosted or held back by sustainable development concerns, depending on the context.
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Sustainable Development Goals.
Professor at dept of Urban and Rural Development and in geography at Member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Sustainable Development of the
Hållbar utveckling. Från Wikipedia. Hållbar utveckling (engelska: sustainable development) ett begrepp som introducerades av Lester Brown
More sustainable skincare We have an ambition to minimize our environmental impact for a continued sustainable development of society and the
Electromobility, automation and connectivity. Cutting-edge ideas and innovative concepts. Sustainability. Read about our sustainable development goals, our
As a result of this massive population growth, there has been a proposal to build sustainable utilisation of land, biodiversity and environmental management. the crowd-sourced online encyclopedia Wikipedia with an electronic While the UN's Sustainable Development Goals call for water and
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The film is produced by Animaskin on behalf of UN Association Sustainable development is all the rage in the 21st century. The goal of this concept is to build and improve urban and suburban areas with as little impact on the environment as possible. The growth of environmental movements has put the d Sustainable Development Acquisition I News: This is the News-site for the company Sustainable Development Acquisition I on Markets Insider © 2021 Insider Inc. and finanzen.net GmbH (Imprint).
2021-02-09 · The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
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I added SDGs list and icons.