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Det vil være en hverdag som vil stille store krav til, at du kan bevare overblikket samt den indre ro i stressede situationer. Flandria Seaways är det femte fartyget i DFDS serie om totalt sex roro-fartyg byggda efter design från Knut E. Hansen. Fartygen har en kapacitet på 6.700 filmeter vilket räcker för upp till 450 trailers. De första två fartygen kom förra året, heter Ephesus Seaways och Troy Seaways och går i trafik på Medelhavet. 2014-08-04 Läs mer om lediga sommarjobb från DFDS Seaways AB i Karlshamn.

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Who we are -With over 600 employees, an annual turnover of £65 million and a 160-acre site in Immingham, DFDS Seaways are the largest Roll on Roll off Shipping and Terminal Operator on the Humber. Cruise Ship Jobs - DFDS Seaways Review. Download The Cruise Ship Jobs Guide Now! DFDS A/S is a Danish shipping company. It is one of the world's largest ferry operators. DFDS was formed in 1866 as a merger of various minor shipping companies under the leadership of industrialist Carl Frederik Tietgen. DFDS Seaways is a Danish shipping company that operates passenger and freight services across northern Europe. Following the acquisition of Norfolkline in 2010, DFDS restructured its other shipping divisions (DFDS Tor Line and DFDS Lisco) into the previously passenger-only operation of DFDS Seaways.

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45 jobb i Karlshamn. Jobba med oss i Boden! Välkommen att jobba med oss i Boden! DFDS Seaways i Karlshamn söker en Boknings- och Check-in agent  Search jobs in Karlshamn, Blekinge.

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44 DFDS jobs including salaries, ratings, and reviews, posted by DFDS employees. DFDS has 340+ IT and Digital employees working with the latest IT development technology and tools. So, this job is a great opportunity to develop your skills within IT, agile processes and grow in a large international company with myriads of career opportunities. DFDS is committed to equal employment opportunities regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, age and citizenship. Job originally posted on GrabJobs.

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Find mere end 28.000 jobopslag fra alle de vigtigste arbejdsgivere i Danmark på Jooble. Gratis, hurtig og nem måde at finde et job. Lediga programmerings-, internet-, IT- och webbjobb hos Dfds seaways ab på Just nu listar vi inga lediga jobb. Det var början på en lång resa mellan gården och DFDS. Idag, den 6 januari, har vi tagit emot sjätte och sista färjan i serien Scandia Seaways. Vår besättning tar nu fartyget hem till "våra" vatten, där hon kommer att gå med i tre av sina systrar och tas i bruk i vårt Nordsjönätverk.
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Find your job at DFDS. Browse available positions on land and at sea across Europe. At DFDS we do in-house development of core business applications as well as having more traditional IT jobs in development, IT-infrastructure and support. Sales, marketing and customer service “We bring you solutions” - is one of the guiding stars in DFDS.

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Displayed here are job ads that match your query. Indeed may be compensated by these employers, helping keep Indeed free for jobseekers. Indeed ranks Job Ads based on a combination of employer bids and relevance, such as your search terms and other activity on Indeed. DFDS Seaways AB 0 lediga jobb.