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Växtskyddspodden E19 – vad vet du om odling av baljväxter

BASF er sortsejere og leverer vinterrapsudsæd til det danske marked. Vinterrapsen er hybrid vinterraps, som er kendetegnet ved et stort udbytte, højt olieindhold en god robusthed. El Grupo BASF cuenta con aproximadamente 117.000 colaboradores que trabajan para contribuir al éxito de nuestros clientes en casi todos los sectores y países del mundo. Nuestra cartera está organizada en seis segmentos: Chemicals, Materials, Industrial Solutions, Surface Technologies, Nutrition & Care y Agricultural Solutions. BASF lauksaimniecības risinājumi - tas ir kas vairāk kā augu aizsardzība. Papildus plašajam augu aizsardzības līdzekļu klāstam, rapšu sēklām un citiem inovatīviem preparātiem, ko BASF radījis lauksaimniekiem un dārzkopjiem, mūsu mājaslapā piedāvājam Jums aktuālās ziņas no lauka un virkni digitālo rīku, kas var atvieglot Jūsu ikdienas darbu un lēmumu pieņemšanu. Farming gives us food, feed, fuel and fiber, provides jobs, income and economic growth, and is a cornerstone of everyone’s heritage and culture.

Basf agriculture sweden

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Compliance Hotline. Data Protection @ BASF. General Terms & Conditions of Sales EN. General Terms & Conditions of Sales LT Peter Löfgren . Sales manager, Sweden, Finland and Norway.

Vi är specialister på växtskyddsmedel, utsäde och tillsatser till gödselmedel som är skräddarsydda för svenskt klimat och svenska grödor. Av oss kan du få råd och vägledning hur du optimerar utnyttjandet av dina odlingsresurser.

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Stoneville gets out of the ground quicker and stands stronger. And it offers more choices and trait options.

Basf agriculture sweden

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BASF Agricultural Solutions South Africa , BASF was established in 1865 and is the world’s leading chemical company producing Crop Protection products for the agriculture market, specialising in fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, plant growth regulators and seed treatments. Farming gives us food, feed, fuel and fiber, provides jobs, income and economic growth, and is a cornerstone of everyone’s heritage and culture. But from climate change to consumer expectations Defenso . A Defenso a BASF Hungária Kft. szőlő- és almatermelőket segítő növényvédelmi döntéstámogató rendszere.

Basf agriculture sweden

Aktuellt ; Växtskyddspodden; Växtskyddspodden; Video; Växtskydds TV; Väder. Aktuellt ; Väder; Weather map; Lösningar. Home ; Lösningar; Växtskydd; Skadedjurskontroll; Produkter. Home ; Produkter; Produktsökning Welcome to the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The Swedish Board of Agriculture is Sweden's expert authority in the areas agriculture, fishery and rural areas. Our mission is for Sweden to produce food in a sustainable and profitable way.
Erik hannerz

Basf agriculture sweden

Susisiekti. Innovation for successful agriculture. Farming today is more complex than ever before.

klormekvat. 2-chloroethyltrimethylammonium. means of agricultural production / chemistry - iate.europa.eu received an application from the company BASF to modify the existing MRLs for chlormequat in cereals  SW ägs av Svenska Lantmännen (60 procent) och BASF (40 procent).
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And it offers more choices and trait options. So it’s less vulnerable to weeds, weather and insects during its most vulnerable time. And that paves the way for a stronger finish. BASF Agricultural Solutions South Africa , BASF was established in 1865 and is the world’s leading chemical company producing Crop Protection products for the agriculture market, specialising in fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, plant growth regulators and seed treatments. Farming gives us food, feed, fuel and fiber, provides jobs, income and economic growth, and is a cornerstone of everyone’s heritage and culture.