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Tôi cảm thấy không được khỏe và tôi cũng không đói như mọi khi. (Không dùng *as usually*). Habitually or typically occurring or done; customary; unchanged. Meaning: as usual. Something common or regularly used. Unchanged.
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– Ronald Sole Feb 5 '17 at 14:01 Usual (pronounced /ˈjuː.ʒu.əl/ as in you) begins with a consonant sound and, as such, it should be preceded by a not an. As an aside, I cannot help but point out that the sentence. Today was a usual day. is not usually heard in regular conversation.
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phrase. If something happens as usual, it happens in the way that it normally does, especially when other things have changed .
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As usual Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say as usual. Powered by M If you simplified the statement/s to read: Losing your driver's license reflects your inability to conduct your daily routine, you wouldn't need to add either as usual or as normal because they're implied.
She didn’t ask me, as usual. Usually is an adverb that means ’regularly/typically/habitually/normally’. Use it between SUBJECT and VERB:
Dec 06 2005 05:14:35. Sextus. Absolutely!
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The 6 p.m. train is usually very crowded. I usually do the weekly shop on a Monday. as usual As usual we were all in the kitchen as usual, as usually As usual, the text was well written Same time as usual This isn't business as usual to handle business as usual activities to perform business-as-usual activities As
He usually parks his car at the gas station - usually means "often" or "regularly" here. See a translation. Report copyright infringement. Usual is an adjective that means ’regular/typical’.
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As usual pensioners were waiting in line. As usual, this issue hosts many contributions. As usual, the impossible becomes our reality. Featured answer.