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There are currently 2 active directors according to the latest confirmation statement submitted on 17th July 2020. Fredrik Wolff - Technical Manager - IV Produkt AB | LinkedIn. Product Description. Here at ACE Veterinary Supplies, we have a vast array of products aimed mainly at Veterinary Anaesthesia. However, we have been asked to source many other items that subsequently find their way into our product portfolio. Powered by Docfactory © Sigma Technology Solutions AB 2007-2020. All rights reserved.

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Since 1969, we develop and manufacture air handling units that save energy and create a good indoor climate​.

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Company IV PRODUKT LIMITED is a Private Limited Company, registration number 09135192, established in United Kingdom on the 17. July 2014. The company is now active. The company has been in business for 6 years and 4 months.

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info@accountum.com +44 (0)20 7723 7375 www.musik-produkt iv.co.uk. Write a review. www.musik-produkt iv.co.uk. See business transparency Write a review Write a review Reviews 41 Write a review IV Produkt Building Materials Växjö, Kronoberg Hobart GmbH We are reaching out to our UK customers and dealers to nominate us in the upcoming Kitchen & Equipment awards! The EyeSpecial C-IV features an optical zoom for magnification rates of up to 1.4:1. If you wish to capture more detail, you can use the tele macro mode in combination with the high-quality close-up lens by Kenko for magnification rates of up to 2:1. This mode easily creates excellent images of the smallest anatomical details.