Policy Department Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs


Lakeshore Estates Roadway and Draininage Improvements

Open Sewer Atlas is a combination of many maps and data layers, some from Open Data and some scraped from DEP publications. The project started in 2013 with 311 service requests from Open Data to find hot spots for sewer-related complaints, and was funded by the Pratt Center’s Taconic Fellowship. Disclaimer: These maps are provided for general informational purposes and should not be used for legal, engineering, planning or surveying purposes. These maps reflect the information submitted to NJDEP by the CSO permittees on or before July 1, 2016 as required by the NJPDES CSO permit at Part IV.D.2.b. Public and Private Sewer Systems. Small Flow Treatment Facilities Manual (PDF)(362-0300-002) .

Dep sewer map

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The Request for Records Form is used to request records such as sewer drainage plans, water and sewer maps, sewer as-built drawings, tap and sewer cards. Request for Records forms must be submitted via email to wsrecordscentral@dep.nyc.gov. All requests must provide a description of the work being performed, as The following map depicts the most current types of municipal on-lot sewage service for each municipality (updated January 14, 2021). To view an expanded regional map with a table listing municipalities and their corresponding Multi-Municipal Local Agency name, or Joint Local Agency name, click on the region name below. Sewer Maps: Sewer maps (also known as index map, atlas map, or section map), are DEP records that depict the locations of sanitary and storm sewers and manholes.

Download Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer Systems (MS4s) Contacts Statutory sections Rules Forms General permit MS4 Documents Supplemental materials. The MS4 general permits describe permit coverage and limitations, definitions, authorization and notice requirements, stormwater program management plan requirements, and standard conditions for municipalities, transportation MS4s and state federally 2021-01-28 Sewer Certification Frequently Asked Questions - DEP. Www1.nyc.gov Sewer Maps: Sewer maps (also known as index map, atlas map, or section map), are DEP records that depict the locations of sanitary and storm sewers and manholes.

Portfolio: opturadesign - Page 342 Stockfoton, illustrationer

Se hela listan på dep.pa.gov The below interactive map provides the location of, and information on, the 212 Combined Sewer Overflow outfalls in New Jersey. These outfalls are located in a total of 21 municipalities. Click here to view the below map in a separate webpage. Access to Geospatial or location-based information and data is provided to the public through NYCityMap.

Dep sewer map

myPHD/constraint.txt at master · nghoang/myPHD · GitHub

These will soon be integrated into our interactive map!

Dep sewer map

We now have links and shapefiles to DEP’s recently released MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) drainage areas and stormwater outfalls, as well as new versions of some of our old CSO shapefiles. These will soon be integrated into our interactive map! To navigate around the map viewer: Use the zoom in (+) and zoom out (-) buttons. To locate a property using a street address: enter the address in the box shown and “Enter”.
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Dep sewer map

The MS4 general permits describe permit coverage and limitations, definitions, authorization and notice requirements, stormwater program management plan requirements, and standard conditions for municipalities, transportation MS4s and state federally 2021-01-28 Sewer Certification Frequently Asked Questions - DEP. Www1.nyc.gov Sewer Maps: Sewer maps (also known as index map, atlas map, or section map), are DEP records that depict the locations of sanitary and storm sewers and manholes. These records can be obtained from the corresponding Borough Water and Sewer Office where the project is located.

V6.1.SP1 STI.SASSPro.v2.0.0.2 STi.v8.01 Stimpro.2013 StitchMaps.v2.40 StmProps.v1.1.3 Stoik.Stitch. SIMPLANT.Pro.17.0.Win DEP. Sewer.ProductsCumulative.Patch.Set.for.build. Bentley.StormCAD.V8i.
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