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Authorised users. Open  Just wanted to point out the fact that Project Muse is offering whole books and articles from many publishers for free during the Corona Crisis One … 4 Jan 2021 All content is fully integrated on the MUSE platform for searching and discovery, with the following features: DRM-free; Unlimited access and  Humanities and social sciences peer-reviewed academic journals and ebooks from university presses and scholarly societies world-wide. Access. Connect. Public  3 Mar 2021 Project MUSE is committed to serving our customers and their user communities throughout the global COVID-19 public health crisis. As part of  On Project Muse, Rutgers also purchases individual ebooks and can access a large number of open access ebooks.

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Språk och litteratur. Här finns Open Access-tidskrifter och artiklar inom språk och litteratur. Logga in. 1 - 0 av 2 Visa alla: 1 - 2 av 2 Visa mindre. Fulltext tillgänglig på: JSTOR Books Open Access.

Open Access Content MUSE provides access to a growing list of scholarly open access content. Project MUSE is supporting participating publishers in making scholarly content temporarily available for free on their platform. Their aim is to make it easier to access vetted research in the humanities and social sciences, from a variety of distinguished university presses, societies, and related not-for-profit publishers, to help support Content that is freely available on the Project MUSE platform during the COVID-19 crisis will display a distinctive "Free" icon, indicating that the material is temporarily accessible and distinct from permanently free status of "Open Access" material.

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Project Muse peer-reviewed artiklar och böcker inom humaniora och innehåller mer än 5 000 peer-reviewed open-access tidskrifter inom många olika ämnen Blackwell backed his first film project in 1971, The Harder They Come, starring singer They have free access throughout the year if it is not rented (within 21 days) and Blanche Blackwell: The muse who inspired Bond and Noel Coward. Subjects: Social Sciences; Political Science; Political Science (excluding Public Administration Studies and Globalisation Studies). Source: Internasjonal Politikk. Som angett i den ursprungliga forskningsansökan har detta projekt haft som mål att publicera akademiska texter av hög kvalité In Journal on Education in Emergencies Vol. 3(1): 129-131.

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About. 2021-03-11 · Project MUSE launches a multimodal digital essay from the University of Virginia Press’ Furnace and Fugue: A Digital Edition of Michael Maier’s Atalanta fugiens (1618) with Scholarly Commentary is now available open access on Project MUSE. MUSE provides access to a growing list of scholarly open access content.
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(Baltimore, MD) Nearly 300 open access (OA) books are now available from Project MUSE, the highly-acclaimed online 2020-04-17 Project Muse provides access to the full text of journals published by Johns Hopkins University Press and other university presses in the humanities, social Open page Project MUSE eBook Collections - … 2020-04-20 This video demonstrates how you can access Project MUSE from the University of Roehampton's Library Webpages. University of Roehampton Library and Learning S Johns Hopkins University Press celebrated Open Access Week with the release of one hundred newly digitized open access books, including many seminal works by distinguished scholars that have been unavailable in recent years.